Ofsted and Remote Learning.


If you read through  the daily Covid briefing like a nerd (I do) you will already have seen this, Ofsted have produced a list of things that they think work well in remote education. it may be an unpopular opinion but I quite like Ofsted. I like them in the same way I like food hygeine inspectors: I want them to set a standard but I don't want them telling me what I can and can't do, as long as it is safe. Anyway.




Some good things to consider from Ofsted (not in an “Ofsted are looking for this” way, more in a “this is worth remembering” way).

Its worth a quick read but the summary is below.

1: Remote education is a way of delivering the curriculum

2: Keep it simple

3: When adapting the curriculum, focus on the basics

4: Feedback, retrieval practice and assessment are more important than ever

5: The medium matters (a bit)

6: Live lessons aren’t always best

7: Engagement matters, but is only the start


